Dr Donald McRobbie is Director of the Radiological Sciences Unit at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Senior Lecturer in Imaging, Imperial College, London.


He graduated in Natural Philosophy from Aberdeen University in 1980 obtaining an MSc in Medical Physics the following year. His PhD thesis from the University of London awarded in 1992 was titled Quantitative Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems.


From 1985-1988 he worked on a research MR system at Hammersmith Hospital. From 1988-1990 he was principal scientist for MagNET MRI evaluation centre for the UK.


Since 1990 he has been at Charing Cross Hospital supporting clinical and research MRI and diagnostic radiology. His current research interests include: use of robotic devices for MR guided biopsies, fMRI of pain, imaging in the presence of metal, quantitative MRI in osteo-arthritis, safety and occupational exposure in MRI.


He is a co-author of the award winning textbook MR from Picture to Proton and is a skilled communicator and educator, regularly lecturing in the UK and abroad. He is a MRI scientific advisor to the London 2012 Olympic Games.